Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 50: Awesome Anniversaries

I just looked back at the starting date of my blog and realized that tomorrow I’ll be celebrating an anniversary! Hooray! One year since I began my 100 Days of Awesome!

Oh, but wait … that means it’s been 365 days since I actually began my 100 days.

And I’m only up to Day 50.

So what happened to the other 50 Awesome Days? Not to mention the 315 days over the past year that apparently weren’t terribly awesome . . .

Um, gulp.

I guess I could beat myself up about not being disciplined, not achieving my goal, not being the best damned blogger in the world. But that wouldn’t do any good at all. And it certainly wouldn’t be very awesome.

Instead, this got me thinking about anniversaries in general – since there just happens to be another anniversary this week. One day after the anniversary of my blog is our wedding anniversary. 27 years. 

It’s actually hard to wrap my head around this number. There are days I feel like I’m still that 25-year-old Brooklyn girl, impatient to get started with her “grown-up” life. And other days when I feel like I still haven’t started. There are days when I am overjoyed that I’ve had an opportunity to spend more than a quarter-century with my best friend. And days when I don’t want to spend even another quarter-hour in the same room with him.

Time is a funny thing. The good times go so fast. The bad times go on forever. When our children were babies, the crying seemed like it would never stop. Yet today it feels as if they became young adults in the blink of an eye.

So here is the obvious question (and one that satisfies my somewhat obsessive need for parallel construction): Were those 27 years always awesome?

Um, gulp.

I guess I could beat myself up about not being perfect, never getting the hang of all the domestic arts, not being the best damned wife in the world. But that wouldn’t do any good at all. And it certainly wouldn’t be very awesome.

So I’ll let the numbers speak for themselves. Fifty awesome days in a year is good enough. And 27 years of marriage … well, that’s pretty awesome. Period.


  1. Congratulations on 50 days & 27 years, any way you count it, every day is awesome. ;)

  2. I've been married for 27 years as well! Congratulations all around!!!!!1

  3. It's so interesting how the good times fly by and the bad seem to linger on, isn't it? I know it seems like my children grew up in the blink of an eye! I say that whatever you've achieved is perfect for you and there are many lessons to learn from our endeavors no matter how large or small they are. Congrats (I know I" late in reading this!) on your 27 years of marriage; it's a feat in itself! :)
